On 3rd March 2013, Show and Performance Bureau and Bureau of Technical and Maintenance (BUTEM) had chosen to have the group binding event at a well-known restaurant which is only a walking distance from IIUM, Rahman Palace Steambot Restaurant. The advisor of our bureau and mainboard also joined the event together with the members of both bureaus.
We departed from IIUM at around 6.45 p.m and arrived at the restaurant at around 7.10 p.m. As we have booked the tables earlier, there was no problem of getting seats. We were so excited since there were numerous choices of food such as fresh meat, vegetables, variety types of meatballs and fishballs, and also fresh vegetables included in the buffet. The best thing was that each of us only had to pay RM20.00 for all of that marvellous cuisine.
Besides having a great time boiling and grilling the food, we used this golden chance to get to know each member better since we just can meet each other during weekly training. We also got to know the members of Butem Bureau and hopefully, our close relationship will last forever. We also had a surprise birthday celebration of two of us there.
At the end of the event, we took some pictures together before departing back to IIUM. We were so glad that we got to spend some quality time together as a family. Eating together never fails to bring everyone closer. As there is a famous saying, ‘ a family that eats together, stays together’.
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